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Main » 2011 » June » 01
Important information for Multi-Unit presses from Pm2:Does this sound familiar?
At one time your press was brand new and printed with the consistent performance and dot value of a new press . . . over the years you observed problems with inconsistent dot value and experienced increased adjustments to achieve consistent dot value.

How does this happen?

Over time a roller becomes hard, pitted and worn creating hickeys. Eventually the durometer is too high, causing the rubber to shrink unevenly. Consequently, glazing occurs, as a result of excessive leaching of extractable oils. The result is a roller that is about 40 durometer and that will require 10X the amount of mechanical pressure as a 26 durometer to achieve the same stripe setting. With additional M ... Read more »
Views: 447 | Added by: pm2workz | Date: 2011-06-01 | Comments (1)


Special shades matched against printed specimen or wet sample.Matched and Manufactured at our various Mixing & Matching Centres which are equipped with with trained colour matchers and colour matching facilities. ... Read more »

Views: 3491 | Added by: pm2workz | Date: 2011-06-01 | Comments (0)

«  June 2011  »