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In order to reproduce or prepare a full color image for printing using four process colors, the image must be divided into the the individual subtractive primary color components. The separation process can be accomplished photographically or electronically.
  • Photographic Separations: Using a large process camera, a full color image is converted into halftone negatives which contain a series of dots of various sizes to represent shades of gray. The dots are achieved with the use of special screens placed over the negative material during exposure. When printed, the smaller dots create the lighter areas of the image, with the lightest appearing white, and the larger dots make up the darker areas of the image, with the darkest appearing black. This system of using the halftone screens directly ... Read more »
Views: 2469 | Added by: pm2workz | Date: 2010-02-15 | Comments (3)

Here is a list of problems that need to be paid attention to during the process of offset printing:
Uneven colour: Always make sure that the colour is the same on both sides of the sheet by rolling the sheet up so that you can look at opposite edges of the sheet side by side.

Ghosts: These are either
  • Images formed in areas where they should not appear, or
  • Formation of lighter areas where there should be even inking.
Hickies (aka Fish-Eyes): These arenon-inked circles created by lint on the plate or blanket. They are generally something that can be cleaned u ... Read more »
Views: 555 | Added by: pm2workz | Date: 2010-02-15 | Comments (0)

Theoretically it is possible to produce an adequate range of colours using just Cyan, Magenta and Yellow. However, three colour printing may also refer to the use of either.
  • Three special inks or
  • Black combined with two special inks
The Four Colour Printing Process, which is a system rarely used today, uses a black plate to add shade and depth reducing the amount of ink required.
Views: 352 | Added by: pm2workz | Date: 2010-02-15 | Comments (0)

Four colour process printing is the most common system for producing full colour print. In fact, the vast majority of magazines and colour books are produced using the four-colour process.

Originally the artwork and originals had been separated using filters and four printing plates were produced.

The four colour process printing consists of four ink colours namely, Cyan (Blue), Magenta (Red), Yellow and Black and is often referred to as CMYK. The inks used for four colour process printing are translucent due to which they can be overprinted and combined in a variety of differe ... Read more »
Views: 1713 | Added by: pm2workz | Date: 2010-02-15 | Comments (0)

There are many advantages to offset printing namely:
  • Economical-It is less expensive, especially when there are large quantities involved.
  • Widespread Usability – It can be used on the widest range of printing surfaces, including paper, wood, metal, even leather.
  • Ease of creating the printing plates.
  • The paper does not have to be rated for the high temperatures and stress of either the copiers or laser printers.
Views: 303 | Added by: pm2workz | Date: 2010-02-15 | Comments (0)

The process of offset printing:
Offset printing has been the most common form of commercial printing for the last sixty years. The most important element of the offset printing process is a plate manufactured from metalor polyster. This plate carries the copy of the image to be printed. The process of printing takes place as follows:
  • The plate is chemically treated so that water may be absorbed only by the non-image areas of the plate.
  • The plate is next attached to a plate cylinder, which rolls past the water roller. At this stage, the water on the water rollers is absorbed by the non-image areas of the plate, i.e. the areas not requiring ink.
  • The cylinder next rolls over the ink roller. At this stage, the ink on the ink rollers sticks to the areas of the plate that are free of water.
  • The rubber surface on the o ... Read more »
Views: 1203 | Added by: pm2workz | Date: 2010-02-15 | Comments (0)

Offset printing is a printing process in which the inked image is transferred (ie, "offseted") from the plate to an intermediate blanket before being printed on the substrate. Following are the common terms you come across in offset printing.
  • Opacity - This refers to the quality of being impenetrable by liquids or light. With paper, it refers to the ability to keep print from showing through to the other side.
  • Opaque - In production it refers to a solution or paint used to block out areas on a film negative to keep them from being reproduced on the plate.
  • Overprinting - It generally refers to printing an image over another impression. It also refers to printing a secondary color o ... Read more »
Views: 366 | Added by: pm2workz | Date: 2010-02-15 | Comments (0)

Phenolic bed plates are an alternative to the old metal plates found in printing presses. These phenolic bed plates are lighter than metal bed plates and great for use in a printing press that uses water based ink because these types of plates will not get rusty like metal plates will. These types of plates for a printing press are typically sold separately and can cost a bit more than metal plates but are a great addition to your printing press.
Views: 467 | Added by: pm2workz | Date: 2010-02-15 | Comments (1)

If you are using a printing press it is important that you have it properly aligned before printing your material. If your press is not properly aligned you will end up applying an uneven force to the object you are trying to print on. This will allow for your art to turn out fuzzy and obviously not looking even or straight on the surface you were printing. Plus, uneven alignment of a printing press can do damage to the press in the long run. It is best to keep your printing press aligned to avoid these potential problems.

Views: 255 | Added by: pm2workz | Date: 2010-02-15 | Comments (0)

Q: What is the difference between vector graphics and bitmap graphics?
A: A vector graphic is defined in a mathematical nature which makes it resolution-independent. A vector graphic can be printed clearly at any size. A bitmap image is formed by a rectangular grid of small squares, known as pixels. Each pixel contains data that describes whether it is black, white, or a level of color. Bitmap graphics are resolution-dependent they can appear jagged and lose detail if they are created at a low resolution and then enlarged or printed at a higher resolution.

Q: ... Read more »
Views: 271 | Added by: pm2workz | Date: 2010-02-15 | Comments (0)

Paper grade defines paper in terms of its use. Each grade serves a purpose, usually suggested by its grade name. Below are some of the most common classifications of printing papers.

Bond papers are commonly used for letters and business forms. They have surfaces which accept ink readily from a pen or typewriter and can be easily erased.

Coated papers are used when high printing quality is desired because of its greater surface smoothness and uniform ink receptivity. There are many kinds: cast coated, gloss coated, dull coated, machine coated, coated one- and two-sides, etc.

Text papers are noted for their interesting tex ... Read more »
Views: 376 | Added by: pm2workz | Date: 2010-02-15 | Comments (0)

Choosing the right ink combinations can have a dramatic effect on your finished product. Use this handy ink guide to help you make the correct ink selection. Black ink, as you might expect, is the most common and least expensive ink.

Spot colors and tints are printed with premixed inks. You can choose from among thousands of different spot-color inks. A spot color printed at 100% is a solid color and has no dot pattern. A tint is a lightened spot or process color and is created by printing smaller halftone dots of the base color.
Views: 277 | Added by: pm2workz | Date: 2010-02-15 | Comments (0)

Color means
Views: 329 | Added by: pm2workz | Date: 2010-02-15 | Comments (0)

Click Center to Play Video

Views: 330 | Added by: pm2workz | Date: 2010-02-15 | Comments (0)

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Views: 391 | Added by: pm2workz | Date: 2010-02-15 | Comments (0)

«  February 2010  »